In fact, you'll find the probability of this happening 3% is only about 3 percent, of it happening just by accident.
And then there's the possibility of romance with someone she meets there.
The only way that we would get that occasionally would be through some sort of lot-financing activities, but that's not something that I've generally liked.
This raises a question. Whether the relation between contemporary political science and liberalism is merely accidental or whether there is some intrinsic some necessary connection between them.
Identity is not necessary, but contingent, as the philosophers put it."
Rather, they emerge from contingent aspects of our biological nature.
There's no reason why these two attributes had to be proportional, but they are proportional and they are equal by choice of units and you can ask, "Is this just an accident or is it part of a big picture?"
Scheme And I happen to like Lisp and Scheme, it's a great language when you're trying to deal with problems where you have arbitrarily structured data sets.
Occasionally, you do run into pop pieces, folk songs, in minor, but most of them are in major-- probably about eighty percent in major.
In the first place, a mask is nearly always occasional.
I want to suggest to you that the fact that it's the religious book for him, for his culture, for his family, is not of course incidental to the fact that it's what reminds him of home.
The World Health Organization keeps track of what countries have cases of polio and when they occur, and what the frequency of--So, this is a map from a few years ago and there are efforts that occur occasionally.
It wasn't a coincidence they bought somebody from Asia.
Freedom was a kind of an accident that came about because the usual ways of doing things were not possible.
Frankly, I think it's just an accident that he doesn't mention him.
You cannot resolve causality.
So he says, no one would take seriously the proposal that a human organism learns through experience to have arms rather than wings, or that the basic structure of particular organs results from accidental experience.
Right? The state of nature is not seen by him as an actual historical condition in some ways, although he occasionally will refer to what we might think of as anthropological evidence to support his views on the state of nature.
And we're going to start with one that you many of you, have already bumped into perhaps by accident, which are lists.
So although I don't like, I don't believe the argument is sound-- Premise one doesn't happen to be the premise I myself would want to reject.
Is it any coincidence ? that graduates from this university and a handful of others not unlike it ? find themselves in high positions of government, of business, of law, and the academy?
Maybe identity, as philosophers like to put it, maybe identity is contingent.
The notion of contingent identity is very puzzling.
If it's an accident, what's it an accident from?
Is it that identity is contingent?
Well, it's just an accident of history.
I happen to be, and John teases me about this regularly, I'm an old-time Lisp programmer, and that's how I was trained.
But what we have to remember is he can't give orders to anybody typically, although Agamemnon can get away with it on this expedition.
It emerged from a unique history in which chance and accident often played a vital part.