Then, I tell you I went for 5 km on the second day and another 5 km on the third day.
Can you tell us more about the 10k race?
And Timlin who is about 91 miles per hour, Timlin So, why don't you take ten seconds to do that.
If you look at your map you will see first on the west side, you've got a low coastal plain. It is about 20 or 30 miles wide.
So I could be 10 km from home, I could be 0 km from home, or I could be -10, if I'd gone two steps to the left.
我有可能距营地10公里,也可能是0公里,也可能是 -10,如果我两次都是向左的话
But,the turbo-prof will be somebody who is assigned to Reims, and who takes the train there every day, or to Tours; but to Lyon also since this is only two hours, this is four-hundred kilometers.
Yeah. So I spent two years in Israel studying in the place called Gush at Etsyon the Etsyon Block which is about 20 km south of Jerusalem.
So how do we get you from for many of you zero to 60 miles per hour after just 11 weeks, well like many courses here is the course structured around not only lectures for conceptual introductions, but sections, office hours and walkthroughs.
except when the car is running at 50 miles per hour and they pour all their money into it and they were wiped out.
Yeah. I'm actually training for a 10k race.
What the Dutch did--the Netherlands is an extraordinarily small country, and it's the most populated country in Europe, then, per square kilometre, and is now--once.
Then we have Beckett who can get up 96 just on a regular old day.
You can deal with this by saying not just 5 km, but plus or minus 5 km.
So, first we have Matsuzaka at 94 miles per hour.
And in the ancient world, the reason for this was that this very small rectangle--;it's about 150 miles long and 70 miles wide, about the size of Rhode Island--this very small rectangle lies on the way to anywhere worth going in the Ancient Near East.
Two hours,you can be on a damn train to New York City and you'll be lucky if you get eighty miles in two hours, or an hour and fifty minutes.
But, you know, in 2D, the options are not just left and right or north and south, but infinity of possible directions in which I could go those 5 km.
It's not enough to say I went 5 km.
These two guys are 5 km long.
It rises in the Sea of Galilee or the Kinneret in the north, and then it flows about 65 miles, I believe, down to the Dead Sea.
The reason--unless you can take about eight hours to do it--because, the way you're going to do it is you're going to take a train that goes one hour and fifty-eight minutes to Paris, and then you're going to take another train that zips down here in about four hours to Bordeaux, but you're paying by kilometer.
Versailles is only eighteen kilometers away.