The Roman Senate, in the late part of the Republic-- yes--started dividing itself into two sort of parties; not official parties, but factions.
they could be Trinidad and Tobago, they could be, you know, you name it.
Then what I'm going to do for the last twenty or twenty-five minutes is talk about the Dutch Republic.
From the time they formed their republics until they were conquered by alien empires, the Greeks also rejected monarchy of any kind.
And Machiavelli spent a good deal of his adult life in the service of the republic.
Recently, in the Czech Republic, there was a proposal to increase the excise tax on smoking.
How does this country end up being a Republic, the Third Republic, which has been castigated or been denounced because it seemed to fumble along?
What they cared about-- because the Roman Republic by this time was basically a bunch of very important households, wealthy men and their households, and they were the members of the Senate, they were the knight class, they were the people who ran Rome.
Now in the middle years of the seventeenth century during the English revolution that saw the execution of the king and saw the establishment of a non-monarchic republican government, Milton had practically invented the formal language, the literary language, of insubordination.
The population of the Dutch Republic increases between 1550 and 1650 to almost two million people.
For the ancients, liberty meant living in a self-governing republic, living in a republic in which everyone again took some share in the ruling offices.
It would be armed and expansive. Machiavelli's republic feeds on conflict, on war and conquest.
Philip Morris, the tobacco company, does huge business in the Czech Republic.
Would be-- These would have been aristocratic republics at this stage of the game, and so there would have been a council of nobles that would typically have done it.
Living in a republic alone doesn't guarantee you more freedom.
But when you look at the experience of Britain and the Dutch Republic, they do share things that, in a way, determine the kind of political economy that they would have.
They had to go from Italy, because much of Italy was controlled by Spain, through the Alps all the way up along the Rhine and finally get into the Dutch Republic.
The Greek city states called polis were republics.
But you might say just as Machiavelli broke with the dominant model of Christian universalism, so too did he reject the ancient model of the small, autonomous republican state.
The Netherlands also resisted absolutism, and the Dutch Republic remained the Dutch Republic; although, for reasons that we'll see later, the Dutch Republic ceases to be a great power in the 18th century.
Outside the West, republics have been unknown.
Okay, now let's paralleling what you've been reading let's look a little bit at the Dutch Republic at the Dutch Republic England and Britain all the time, because people talk about so let me talk about the Dutch Republic.
That, he says, has been our history and what it should say, what it doesn't quite say I think, is that it has been this history not because it is American but because it is a republic, because of its regime type, its regime character.
But,it was the longest republic and it lasts from, depending on when you start it-- and you can read about that-- whether you start it in 1875 or 1877, or when there really was a Republic, the early '80s-- it lasts until May,June 1940.
After the fall of the republic and the return of the Medici to princely rule there, Machiavelli was exiled from the city, from politics to a small estate that he owned on the out skirts of the city.
The Athenians and the Romans," he says, "were free, that is they were free commonwealths, not that any particular man had the liberty to resist his own representative but that his representative had the liberty to resist or invade other people."
Or Augustus--he had taken the title Augustus by this time, which means "the great"--he himself said, "I transferred the Republic from my power to the dominion of the Senate and the people of Rome."
And,so,France lurched into a period called The Moral Order, the Republic of the Moral Order.
Florence was a republic.
First of all, it's not a coincidence that in both England and in the Dutch Republic you had, along with the city-states of Northern Italy, you had the largest percentage of middle-class population that you could find in Europe.