• It's 71 or whatever so that if condition doesn't apply, but now what do I do in this next line?


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  • because when you write here, it seems like every sentence you write, you have to cite to something else anyway.


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  • So it was a little risky but safe in the end because I didn't do anything else with it.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • Well,it wants to rationalize the administration of France-- it wants to do other things,too, but that's not this course.


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  • Plato here seems to agree with Winston Churchill that democracy is the worst regime except for all the others.


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  • And so, children--which have this potential to play--are consistently canceled, over and over again. There are other examples.


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  • We have other ways of protecting; many of our cells are inside our body protected by specialized cells of our skeletal system.


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  • This is me writing one hour of that episode of Pirandello and telling the other authors, here's what I'm assuming as you use it. So it's up to me to do it right, but if I do it, I'm going to specify, what does this function do?


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  • So we can add three hydrogen atoms here, and fill in our other orbitals right here.


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  • There were people goldsmiths were people who worked in the metal gold and made beautiful things for people jewelry and other things.


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  • But I think we can imagine some part of it more easily than the other.


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  • Other polar solids, we will have to come back to that later.


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  • Slightly harder exercise is to check that nothing else is a Nash Equilibrium.


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  • If it's something else, you will have to deduce another law.


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  • In the interest of time, I'm going to skip over a few other passages that I was going to read to you in reinforcement of this insistence, on de Man's part, that literature differs from other forms of discourse, the remaining question being: literature differs from other forms of discourse how?


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  • If there's--if you wanted a guide on how to eat healthy, this would be my favorite choice, would be the book Willett, Eat, Drink and Be Healthy, but there are others that are good as well.


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  • you don't really have access to fresh vegetables, you know, locally grown, and flowers and all that stuff.


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  • And through his research and other research, it was found that there are maps in the brain of the body.


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  • And there are more. Many of them referring to the exodus in Egypt and others referring to the notion of imitatio dei.


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  • The way we hear music, the way our mind processes music, is very, very different from this other kind of information, very different from history or economics.


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  • Other bits of business.


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  • And because there's nothing else in the code at that point, the program should just quit naturally in a good way. Yeah?


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  • It is a work comparable in scope to other literary masterworks Hamlet, Don Quixote, War and Peace, others you might think of.


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  • The other thing that's on this slide here is sort of a simple analogy that I've already described.


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  • But just to be really clear, I've written out exactly which equations you do have to memorize on the front here, so long as you know those, the rest you can just look up.


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  • What I want to do is talk about what the Fed in this country is doing and what other central banks are doing.


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  • That's a big issue. You can fix one thing, you break something else.


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  • I want to show you another way to get a sense of these energies.


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  • There were communes in other cities, too, with a variety of demands, in Limoges, in Lyon and in Marseilles, and even an attempt in Bordeaux.


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  • Of course, as in all of the rest of Greek history, women are excluded from the political realm, and of course, well, I'll just leave it at that.


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