This decision is also hard to make because when you are a backend technology provider, it's like selling a piece of commodity.
What do you think of big music companies and the profits created by selling music?
I better say something about oil in the ancient world, so that you get a grip on what's going on here.
Then if you fail to pay on the mortgage--pay off the debt -the lender can seize the property and sell it.
I own them in the limited sense that I can use them for myself, but I can't trade them away.
Here's the title page, reminding us, again, that this gorgeous Celtic aestheticism is published and put up for sale in London, which is important again.
Or to make money you'll sell noble titles.
Then from 1820 to 1860, the forty years before the war, an estimated roughly two million American slaves were sold to satisfy the need of slave labor in the great cotton kingdom of the growing Southwest.
So it's a tough economy and you'd say, "Well geez, I want to do a startup. Is there going to be an investment out there? Well geez, I want to sell to customers and they're going to need to buy equipment to do things, or geez I want to appeal to advertisers, and there's got to be a consumer demand out there."
But I think a lot of it right now is Amazon.
So Firm 2--if Firm 2 produces all the way up to here then any product produced by Firm 1 is going to push prices even lower.
Right? It'll get taken apart for parts, sold for parts.
The sellers, they're selling everything what they can, you know.
You could not sell a security without giving a prospectus to the potential buyers and the prospectus would be something approved by the SEC.
Rights that are so essentially mine that even I can't trade them away or give them up.
If someone comes to your home and says, I would like to sell you life insurance.
I'm not free to take my own life or to sell my self into slavery or to give to somebody else arbitrary absolute power over me.
When you get--when you sell the house, what do they do?
I was standing at the World Economic Forum at one of our lunch things and a young woman approached from Swiss Re, which is the Swiss Reinsurance Company, and she said she wanted my ideas on how to sell crop insurance in Africa.
So, you'd have a whole bunch of people selling securities down there and they could vacate quickly if the authorities challenged you.
It's not for us to alienate them or to give them up, to give them away, to trade them away, to sell them.
The idea of dividing a company up into shares and selling them off, but in practice it involves a lot of complexities.
I'm sure they sold it in various forms, but one of the most popular was for this purpose.
They just sell those Toyotas, The South was part of the westward movement.
So they had to import that to make their goods as saleable as they wanted and so on.
The major thing they seem to be selling were aromatic oils in little vials.
RIM, the maker of Blackberry, sells for fifty, sixty, seventy times earnings; when you buy that stock, earnings can go up.
Effectively, you get interest from this because it's sold at a discount, so the price that you pay is equal to one hundred minus the discount.
So there's a panic in the market for securitized mortgages - and the price is often very low or if it's they're very hard to market and hard to sell.