But one of Milton's projects in Paradise Lost is to effect his forgetting of all of his literary precursors.
Machiavelli's state itself has universalist ambitions, in many ways, much like its Christian and Roman predecessors.
It's about a relationship to predecessors who are seen as too similar.
And it's important to remember that Milton will - this is probably an invariable truth, but I'll qualify it nonetheless - that Milton will typically imitate his predecessors only with a difference.
my predecessor Andrew Card was much disciplined.
And he says this about his own little research: "I shall not hesitate to put down for you with my interpretations whatsoever things I well learned at one time from the Presbyters," just meaning the old guys,elders,"and well remembered, confidently asserting truthfulness for them.
These are archived lecture notes that were written by my predecessor, Professor Witt.
You might think of walking in here expecting Professor Hungerford on censorship and getting me instead. But this is a very important idea for Nabokov both as a way of treating predecessors and as a way of writing. And I want to show you that way of writing very early in the book on page 10 now. Let's take a look at that.