• In "Mowing," the scythe makes a sound as it cuts, and that sound is delicate, it's quiet, it whispers.


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  • The hay, that is, well, what? The payoff, what the poem is all about, what mowing is all about.


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  • And me, Pierre Riviere, having slit the throat of my mother and my two sisters, I'm going to tell it like it was.


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  • It doesn't think to itself, "How shall I get that blade of grass that's been eluding me?"


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • Dudley offered a prayer, he told the boy his time had come, and he killed him with a pen knife, stabbing him in the jugular vein.


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  • We have an image here of the reconstituted, repaired body of Orpheus whose gory, severed head had been sent down the swift Hebrus to the Lesbian shore. It's as if Milton can't let go of this most un-Christian attachment to the human body.


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  • With "Mowing" as the example, I said that in Frost, meaning is always something made, something the poet works on and works for.


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  • My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make" returns us to the work of mowing and the work of reading and interpretation and deciphering.


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  • But the fact," he says in that next to last line, "is the sweetest dream" of labor, and it is earnest love that is doing this cutting.


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  • This is a monologue by a worker, a mower.


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  • Even though it does cut the grass, it doesn't have the desire.


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  • He has that phrase, / "Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak / to the earnest love that laid the swale in rows.


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  • These are dimensions of communication that I've been identifying in "Mowing" with the whisper of the scythe, that is, a tone of meaning or a way of meaning.


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  • He wants us to see the row, the harvested rows as being like lines of verse.


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  • It's love that makes the boy climb, as it made the mower work, remember?


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  • In "Mowing," the poem's lines are like sweeps of the scythe as it lays down rows of swale. Frost wants us to think about that.


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  • My lawnmower, for example, doesn't want to cut the grass.


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  • The book, Michel Foucault, a famous philosopher, got a hold of and wrote a preface for it; in French is, was, Moi, Pierre Riviere, ayant egorge ma mere and mes deux soeurs.


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  • In about 1844, this kind of crazy guy took a big knife and he slit the throat of his mother and his two sisters, and they were--the police were looking for him.


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  • But cutting is something fearful and forceful; it's a kind of controlled violence. Frost takes it for granted that we will remember that the scythe is a conventional image for time, which harvests all of us in death.


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  • Saint Ebba had not only severed her nose, she had also severed her lip.


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  • Line 14 returns us to the work of mowing.


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  • The boy's solitude is like the mower's.


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  • For Monday, we're going to start talking about Robert Frost, and I'd like you to pay special attention to his poem "Mowing," in the RIS packet, and to his poem "Birches" in The Norton.


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