In the tradition, one of the companions asked the prophet what's the most powerful verse in Koran.
If you Google it, it's called Volkswagen the Force. It's a really great spot.
That's probably as important a decision as placing it, as deciding which direction to hit, and it turns out to matter.
But it's not, you're right, it's not as full and powerful device as comedy and humor're in Hitchcock It's a great deal of humor.
But of course, it has a lot of force because all fifty states have met-- the commissioners of fifty states have met and hashed it out.
So dispite the fact that Socrates draws this weaker conclusion, it seems to me that the argument he'd offered us, if it works at all, entitles us to draw the bolder conclusion not the soul is indestructible or nearly so, but the soul is indestructible.
So in reality, we need to take into account a little bit more, and in particular, we need to take into account the abilities of players to hit the ball accurately and/or hard.