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And when he says that, his workers pull off the tarp and sparks fly from the chandelier.
He also has right outside the office he's had a couple of assistants, executive assistants, personal aid.
So the king told his assistant to go and get the man, give the man his wish.
The people who got the painful shock instruction are more likely to find the confederate attractive.
I taught at Cornell before Yale, and my assistant was a woman named Bonnie at Cornell.
He's beginning to put aside all of those literary anxieties induced by his reading of Shakespeare, and it's as if he's more and more willing to use as a kind of literary assistant, or helper, Spenser: the great poet of holy matrimony and married sexual bliss.
My assistant will tell you that she often cannot find me because my favorite thing is to escape and just wander around the institution.
To make this point, let me see if we can get my helper here, technical person, to bring up a slide for me, and my question to you is-- as this slide comes up-- is the following: where in the brain is music processed primarily?
They would say, "We hired a stooge to act in the following role in the experiment."
He invited a confederate, a graduate student who was working with him in his lab-- Psychologists--Social psychologists always call people " who are in the employ of the experimenter "confederates."
A lot of times president sees his family less than a few of his close aids.
So, what two investigators at the University of British Columbia did is they simply positioned, once again, an attractive actor or confederate on one side of the bridge.
But anyway, the confederate that they hired was a woman who was naturally attractive in most people's view but they made her look either more attractive or less attractive by giving her kind of frumpy clothes, bad make-up, and a frizzy wig.
But I think a certain generation of college students thought stooges were only named Moe, Larry, and Curly and so they started to use the phrase "confederate."
She was a woman and she met men crossing the bridge.
It doesn't mean that they grew up south of the Mason-Dixon Line or wave a certain kind of flag or--but the older term for it was "stooge."