So, one of the things that you can do is to become technically literate so you can become part of the discussion and help formulate sensible policy.
Do you think it's reliable to refer to rating websites?
And it became common to reject any ancient story that wasn't really nailed down very, very firmly by some device.
So there is counter evidentce that shows that not everyone, level of wellbeing is determined by their genes.
With some degree of confidence, I'm working with a reliable spring and then I will get the mass of the elephant.
Milton acknowledges that the course he's chosen for himself may not be a natural one: Nature herself pushes a young man to begin a family and to seek credible employment .
For most--Maybe not all, but for most psychological disorders, there are quicker and more reliable treatments than psychoanalysis.
So although I don't like, I don't believe the argument is sound-- Premise one doesn't happen to be the premise I myself would want to reject.
Now another very important feature is its infallible memory.
Ads in newspapers, like this one in Charleston, would read, "Negroes wanted. I am paying the highest cash prices for young and likely Negroes, those having good front teeth and being otherwise sound."
Do you find the public transportation in LA reliable?
Now, efficiency is obviously an important consideration when you're designing code, although I have to admit, at least for me, I usually want to at least start initially with code that works, and then worry about how I might go back and come up with more efficient implementation.
There's a lot of engineering that we've already talked about in terms of producing quantities of the vaccine, producing it reliably, producing it safe, distributing it, and keeping track requires a level of sophistication that maybe you wouldn't have thought about initially.
I think it's reliable.
Subways are more reliable.
In the first place, he judges the people to be more reliable, as he tells us, than the great.
Would it be better for people to be able to see everyone and maybe not feel like this is a secure environment in which they can share their interests and what they thought and what they care about?
I haven't seen any good evidence for life after death, so I'm not a believer, and I think death is the end.
But he didn't think of it; other times all kinds of funny stories are told about the oracle, which would suggest that it wasn't really a very reliable source of information, that it was filled with mythology and so on and so forth.
In authentic education, silence is treated as a trustworthy matrix for the inner work students must do, a medium for learning of the deepest sort."
If every time I get the same acceleration, I'm convinced this is a reliable spring that is somehow producing the same force under the same condition.
So what we think we know derives chiefly from archeological evidence, which is before writing--mute evidence that has to be interpreted and is very complicated, and is far from secure.
Arguably, Freud fails the test because Freudian theory is often so vague and flexible that it can't really be tested in any reliable way.
And this is from Damasio's excellent book Descartes' Error: He used to be a really responsible guy, a family man, very reliable, very trustworthy.
In contrast, the mind is able to grasp the Platonic ideas, the Platonic forms; and they're stable, they're reliable, they are-- they're law-like and we can grasp them.
And it turns out that there's a correlation, a reliable relationship between how happy somebody is now and back thirty years ago in their yearbook photo-- what sort of smile they're giving.
Yes, it's a wonderfully reliable test I'll test you today; I'll test you tomorrow; I'll test you next year; I'll test you the day you die; I'll get the same IQ score ? Is it a valid test?
Yeah, I definitely.
Absolutely not.