By the way, if we begin by talking about poetic and practical language, we're beginning where the Russian formalists began.
And just went out runs together, and it turned out we were from sort of the same region of the States.
They're associated now with events in the life of the new nation rather than being grounded in the cycles of nature.
The molar volume is being changed a little bit trying to make things collide with each other, they can't occupy the same volume.
Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?
The fact that they're put on the same plane here suggests that both perhaps are either truths or both perhaps are myths.
Right. How do you think being together on a religious life council, being in the same dorm in Princeton, how well you speak Arabic.
Because it's the same actor who plays the Beast Avenant, and then again Prince Charming I had a question ? That's OK?
This is, I think one, of the best examples of that syncretic view of religion, that basically all worshippers are worshipping the same god.
But it's always minding that team dynamic because at the end of the day, we're just a group of people working on one single goal If we can't step in a cohesive coordinative fashion, then we're going to trip all over the place.
We can say, we'd better say that you can have the very same personality even if some of the elements in your personality change.
One bedroom wasn't good enough anymore, they wanted--you don't want the baby in the same room with you; you want to have two bedrooms.
They claimed that they were of the same race as the gods, and I really don't know of anybody else who made that claim.
And one of the puzzles of syntactic rules, or one of the issues of them, is that different rules can conspire to create the same sentence.
And, if you laid this out in a table, as Mendeleev did with his cards, you would find that the local maxima all occur roughly in the same horizontal position from the end points of the rows.
Now, dereferencing works on y and because the pointers are sharing 13 that one pointee, they both see the 13.
Me and my friend went to the same university and went to the same exchange program to Canada
In the case of the Investor Game last week, every player preferred one equilibrium to the other.
Why do you have four different chapters of this book, all telling the same story?
This intuitively should make a lot of sense, because we know we're trying to minimize electron repulsions to keep things in as low an energy state as possible, so it makes sense that we would put one electron in each orbital first before we double up in any orbital.
What we're working with here are the same chords.
Let's look at how these two different ways can be used and expressed by the same pattern.
So how are we to account for the diversification of languages, the spread of different ethnic linguistic groups throughout the lands of the earth if we all come from one common creative moment, one common ancestor?
And because of these common themes, we say that they were produced by a Priestly School: we hypothesize a Priestly School.
- >> I'll keep asking until we get the right -- until we all merge on the same one.
Other studies, some of them-- Well, here's another study by Rene Baillargeon looking at the same thing in a different way.
It is a substance self which therefore endures through time, thus thoughts and actions at different moments of time may pertain to the same self.
The key to personal identity, according to the soul theory of personal identity the key to personal identity is having the same soul.
If they are found on the same place, it is iso-topos. These are called isotopes.
They are mere personifications of abstract ideas, and it's not at all clear that Sin and her son, Death, exist as individual entities in the same way, or on the same plane, that Satan does, for example, or Beelzebub.