Yes. Somebody who is just on fire, with a certain kind of aspiration to compassion.
Now I'm a kind--now,over here-- I'm a kind,compassionate, warm individual who cares about the downtrodden.
Real ties of empathy and bonds of sympathy there.
As a virginal orator, should she choose to unleash her powers, she would have the power of an Orpheus moving dumb things to sympathize -- Orpheus being one of Milton's most prized mythological figures of the powerful poet.
This was the compassionate part of the compassionate conservatism.
So, Hobbes clearly believes or thinks that this will be a useful book for a sovereign to read and hoping it will gain the ear of a sympathetic sovereign or potential sovereign.
So again, let's think of an example here, a couple of examples, in the Bush Gore election, we saw President Bush, candidate Bush as was, saying "I'm not a right wing candidate, I'm a compassionate conservative."