Any right-thinking printer or any right-thinking publisher would scoff at the presumption of a poet who demanded such a thing.
where the men who used to trade with the tea or the big clock merchants.
And I was trying to make a final call on the summer job and Bill called and said "Hey look Steve. Geez, how are you doing? Gosh, things get complicated here we need a business person. What about you?"
You'd have to be an authorized participant, but if you become an institution you can get authorized to trade in the auction.
He seemed to be a successful businessman,a ship builder.
But it's amazing to read the letters and the language of slave traders when they write to each other, the complacency, the mixture of just pure racism on the one hand and just business language on the other.
Could it be that after I sold it to the junk dealer he crashed it.
Now, to be sure, in Siberia in the far reaches of the north, North Asia, this empire amounted to little more than a series of trading posts, and it took a very long time for any semblance of Russian authority from Moscow and soon from St. Petersburg, for reasons that we'll see, to reach there.
Mathematically, it's done by taking the expression for R and differentiating everything in sight that can be differentiated as vector t.
从数学上看是这样的,写出 R 的表达式,并对所有可以进行矢量微分的部分,对时间 t 求微商
and really sort of super charge them with these, these information technology superpowers
Builders were doing extremely well until a couple of years ago their stock was soaring--now all of a sudden they're in crisis.
They will do it as long as the home price is high relative to their construction costs.
If things weren't working out by the end of the summer he'd fire me and I go back to Stanford for business school, that didn't sound too terrible.
To become the biggest publishing monolith in the world, it takes maybe a hundred years, so his father in Australia started buying up newspapers.
When the Treasury in the United States sells Treasury bills notes and bonds they deal almost exclusively or we say primarily--with broker-dealers not the general public.
Primary dealers are broker-dealers; they are not banks.
What does that do to builders?
But banks and broker-dealers are in trouble because their assets are collapsing under them.
For example Bear Stearns which is a broker-dealer failed recently.
What they mean by that is, if you're a builder and you have this place where you show off your model homes, how many people are coming by to look at your model homes today as potential buyers?
Well, builders can sell for a really high price, so they start building a lot of houses.
You pay every year a fixed amount on your house to the mortgage originator and then after so many-- n is 30 years, typically--you would then have paid it off.
These are broker-dealers some of them are international like BNP Paribas is one of them--it's French.
What they're really doing is just we're facing this seize up of our financial system so we have banks that we've just seen the failure of Bear Stearns which is actually a broker-dealer.
Junk dealer.