It was granted a monopoly on joint stock banking by Parliament in return for giving war loans to the government.
In fact, our own Senator Christopher Dodd has a bill in Congress right now to bring back the HOLC, basically.
Because he was warning Congress that there was problems down the roads, especially with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
I don't know what it takes to replicate that in China, but I certainly hope one day there will be a place in China that looks like Silicon Valley.
Now, you did have, in many of these countries, diets, or parliaments, or some representative bodies.
Because not only the NSA homeland security, the governors, members of congress, cabinet officers.
Because at the whim of the king, or for that matter, of the parliament, we can name you or you to give up your property or to give up your life.
To take the American case for example, does it mean that something like the presidency, the congress and the court can be discerned ? within the soul of every American citizen?
And more immediately, this weekend, as all of you are thinking the most event in the world was whatever was happening in Congress to do with Iraq, actually, the most important event in the world was taking place in England where my favorite team, portsmouth, were playing Kaj, the head TA's favorite team, Liverpool.
If you go to look at congressional discussion of tax rates, you won't see risk management mentioned very often.
At these conferences, they decide on a recommended or uniform insurance regulation policy and it acts a little bit like a Congress.
I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation What was Congressman Frank thinking?
That's my colleague, Ronit Walny, and I, we're posing in front of the Parliament Building in Oslo.
Congress said, finally--I think wisely--in 1986, that we don't want to create rules that encourage people to do a different sort of business just to evade taxes.
So, you have these diets and you have these parliaments, but one of the characteristics of absolute rule is that you don't have to call these bodies because the king is the big person.
They get to vote for congress.
Wal-Mart, after the 1960 Act of Congress, would say, hey we're a real estate investment trust, we own real estate--all these stores -but that's not what the intent of this bill was.
The FHA is still with us and we just had an FHA Modernization Act; Congress is starting to propel that forward I wanted to say a little bit about the math of mortgages.
They didn't want flippers; they didn't want the company that's speculating in real estate, they want it to be a holder of real estate.
Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts speaking in 2003 quote I would like to get Fannie and Freddie more deeply into helping low income houses.
Congress had to make a distinction between these and corporations and it's kind of a subtle distinction because there are lots of corporations that own real estate.
Congress thought that these people could be given more money to operate if someone would buy the mortgages from them, so Fannie Mae started doing that in 1938.
The first wave was in the 1960s and, at that time, Congress had limits-- state governments had limits on the interest that savings banks could pay people on their accounts.
SIPC was set up by an act of Congress.
We need--and there's a lot of talk in Congress right now -we need to think about new regulations that protect individuals, much like the regulations that the HOLC and the FHA made.
The fact that I have one, you know, five hundred thousandth of the vote for one representative in congress is not the same thing as my having the ability to decide for myself how to use my property rights.
the economy begins to recover, and then Hoover and the Congress decided what to do to fix things and they immediately make things worse, and Franklin Roosevelt comes in and keeps fixing it and keeps fixing it and keeps fixing it and the thing is bad bad bad.
A thousand economists, from leading universities across the country sign a public appeal to congressman and president, not to pass this bill, that it would not do what they said it would do, it would not reduce unemployment, it would in fact lead to retaliation it would make it harder for Americans to sell goods to other countries.
In 1934, after the failure -it was actually created by Congress in 1933 and went into business in '34.
Well in a sense, the other thing that happened was, in 1934, Congress set up the Federal Housing Administration--FHA.