I took that concept and eventually in 2000 realized that I had this beautiful picture of the city but it was all verticals.
So what she's going to do is start loading up the electrons, and you see this wand here move slowly, and it takes a while to do it, start become perpendicular.
It shows in these parts of the pyramid that run vertically rather than horizontally, how much people should be eating of various foods.
One is that there are two backbones right here in the light blue, so this would be the upright parts of the ladder that are twisted.
The lines will get shallower and eventually become horizontal and vertical respectively.
I have it shown with the--the vertical lines on this chart indicate recessions and this shows--this is from 1948 to 2007 and every recession that we've had since 1948 is shown.
Pick any two perpendicular directions Then the same entity, the same arrow which has an existence of its own, independent of axis, can be described by you and me using different numbers.
They are orthogonal.
One of the things that we discussed was this type of imagery here where you have vertically these pillars, if you will, or we could even call--the more I sort of looked at this--sort of call them tree trunks almost.
The first one will be above and below the bond axis is where we'll see the electron density, and the second will be perpendicular to that, so it will be a density in front of and behind the bond axis.
So what we're predicting is a bond angle of 90 degrees.
So the pink line is going to move towards the vertical, and the blue line is going to move towards the horizontal, and notice that the amount of effort that we generate, goes down dramatically, goes down in this direction.
Let's look at 2py, which is vertical.
This is the vertical direction y.