And I was saved, to use a Christian term, by articulations and representations of faith heroes connected with social justice.
The Old Testament prophet had said, "All flesh is grass," an important verse for the new dispensation of Christianity.
The decay of Christian belief and practice is not a loss but rather an opportunity for poetry, in Crane.
And I think what we decide to do in our congregation here whether it's Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist,whatever.
Some copies of the Septuagint contain some books not included in the Hebrew canon but accepted in the early Christian canon.
This seems like a completely Christian answer to Zooey's problem, and we're back on the horns of that dilemma.
Under that heading you might call "American Progress" came the sense of American mission: spreading liberty, spreading democracy, spreading Christianity.
Milton has wrenched this poem away from Christianity, and he's forced it into a direction that we could loosely call paganism.
Milton ultimately is a pious man and wants us to frown on Satan's critique of the Judeo-Christian conception of divinity.
He was a Christian leader who lived,probably wrote about some of this stuff around the year 130 or 140.
So I heard of this program that's in Hartford, the Hartford Theological Seminary, It's traditionally a Christian seminary.
Now the reason that is true is because we live in a post-Christian culture, and both aspects of that term are important.
And the reason is because Daniel is an older apocalyptic, prophetic text that was heavily influenced on early Christian literature.
Right. Well, I think that pluralism properly understood has respect for people with the secular position, with the Christian position.
But Milton's also sensitive to the fact that the very phrase "Christian epic" is in some way a contradiction in terms.
This is really, I think, a radical if not heretical idea for the national poet of a Christian people.
It's first of all a depiction of an underworld, and so it provides Milton with an important Christian representation of a hell.
And so this household structure becomes very important for the growth and structure and even the theology of Christianity eventually.
There's a lot of Christian churches where you can't get married in the outdoors, that's not an official way to get married.
It's easy for us to say that it was Milton's memory that facilitated his grasp of the Christian and the classical traditions.
This intensely intimate focus on the human body is out of place in a Christian elegy and this, of course, Milton knows.
What could possibly be more presumptuous than the association of the beginning of one's own career, one's own literary career, with the birth of the Christian messiah?
I think it's fair to say that Milton can't really imagine or fully invest himself in the Christian heaven until he can fully corporealize it and imagine it bodily.
This is a course that introduces you to the New Testament literature, but also the history of other material from the very first one hundred years or so of early Christianity.
That belief in Christ is to some a matter of life and death has been a stumbling block for readers who would prefer to think it a matter of no great consequence.