A boat, about, a dress, a coat: these are all simple iambic phrases that you hear in our language all the time.
Let's say that you are in a movie theater and you forgotten your sweater or jacket
Yeats is throwing off his early work as if throwing off a kind of costume.
That's the way the story is put together, how the overcoat is made, and so on.
He has not one, not two but three coats on as well as two scarves.
And I kind of want to design like outerwear for snowboarding and hiking,
So yeah, the coat, the shoes, they were a splurge.
There's an aggression towards the urban crowd here that recalls and exaggerates Yeats's attitude at the same time, really in the same years, in poems like "A Coat" or "The Fisherman."
Those titles that Eikhenbaum keeps talking about -How Don Quixote was Made, How Gogol's Overcoat was Made- reflect the preoccupation of the Russian formalists with how literature is put together.
The poem represents a kind of as does the short poem, "A Coat" represents a kind of ascetic move, an active imaginative and rhetorical stripping-down.
Here it is; it's in your anthology as well: I made my song a coat Covered with embroideries Out of old mythologies From heel to throat; But the fools caught it, Wore it in the world's eye As though they'd wrought it.