This is Sarah Darkley and Michelle, political science of Wellesley, third year and introduction of the vedio production that's interesting.
Actually, it's the first time I've seen him since the end of my senior which was about a year ago.
So if you've been thinking you're, like, the only senior here who's taking this course: not at all, there's about a hundred of you, there's about a hundred juniors, there's a couple hundred sophomores and about a couple hundred freshman.
While I was in college, part of the beauty and elegance of my undergraduate education was that between my junior and senior years I went on one of our college's seminars.
Like, I mean, in my junior year I took a class where there were like six people in the class
Now, I look around this room, I don't see anybody whose head is three times bigger than mine, so I know that you cannot digest everything the books have.
As soon as the Civil War broke out and Lincoln called for volunteers in late April 1861, Uriah Parmelee dropped out of his Junior year at Yale and he joined the first regiment he could get into.
and then I had an internship first after my junior year, that's my third year.
One of the things about Princeton is that in your senior year,