They've been humiliated by the Son of God and the other priggish loyalist angels so they are pained, utterly humiliated.
They have a substantial reality within the fictional context, the mimetic context, of this epic. These are angels.
But it's some kind of gold cover and then there were two cherubim, these enormous winged lions that flanked the ark.
And it's her only her humility, the sense of not being able to, that allows her space to be able to do what is proposed to her by the angel Gabriel.
I love this because I would go around to all these angel investors 0 and VCs and charge them $5 or $50 to show them my new idea.
I might not know whether I'm playing someone who's an evil git or an indignant angel.
I started having this vision and this angel appeared to me and this all happened."
There are relevant and interesting fields of discourse and there are completely irrelevant fields of discourse, and some of these fields are on the sides of angelic discourse and some of these fields are on the side of the demonic.
Every day is in eternity! Everyman's an angel!
Milton's been noting that some of the pagan deities that the fallen angels eventually became were male and some were female.
We have pictures of gods and kings seated on these seats, the sides of which are these giant winged cherubim, and then their feet rest on a footstool.
But the most central act of eating, of course, in Milton's great epic obviously has nothing to do with angels.
Milton can join his voice to the angel choir and have the honor of being first to greet the "Infant God."
But despite this enormous concession and this realization, Satan is still justified, I think, in his cynical demystification of God's behavior before the defeat of the rebel angels.
Then we have the simile of the fallen leaves, which compares the fallen angels to fallen leaves, and in that simile we have the image of the Israelites.
Now, the simile concludes with the strong sense of a hideous change -and you will recognize this pattern again and again in Milton -the hideous change undergone by the fallen angels.
So some have noted, one scholar in particular has noted that The struggle with the angel is the final purging of the unsavory qualities of character that marked Jacob's past career.
Satan and the fallen angels are entering the magnificent structureof Pandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit in to the building, however big it is.
It's not until Book Three, until after Milton presents his heroic portrait of Satan and his heroic portrait of the fallen angels when he establishes the fact of his blindness.
It was one thing for the Lady to imagine -- you know, crazy as it was, for the Lady to imagine -- a rescue squad of angels to zip to her aid at the first hint of a physical assault.
So now the blood of the sacrificial lamb is said to have protected the Hebrews from the angel of death, and the bread now is said to have been eaten, consumed in unleavened form, because the Hebrews left Egypt in such a hurry.
There's a small group of writers whose work is pure, uncontaminated, sexless as the angels are said to be sexless and Milton is their leader .
有这样一小群作家,他们的作品,是纯洁的,无暇的,如天使般丝毫不辨性别 ,而米尔顿便是他们的首领。
The Elder Brother is explaining that these angels will: Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape, The unpolluted temple of the mind, And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence, Till all be made immortal.
The subject of the debate has been the nature of the fallen angels' political future: essentially, the question is where do we go from here? Moloch, you'll remember, is the military general who will risk absolutely anything for revenge.
The bum's as holy as the seraphim!
So far we've looked at this game as played by people and we've looked at this game who are evil gits, as played by people who are indignant angels.
Suppose now--harder to imagine, but let's try it-- suppose now that you are an indignant angel and you're playing against, and you know this, you're playing against an evil git.
So my payoffs this time, are the indignant angel payoffs.