• But the nymphs in all of their sensuous beauty, with "flow'r-inwov'n tresses," they have to experience the same fate.


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  • Now, there's an important reason for this genealogy, the idea that the muses are the daughter of Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.


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  • So these Greeks would say, "Well, we have another Goddess of the Hunt," and you'd find other Goddesses of the Hunt.


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  • For when justice is outraged, and by the way justice here is personified in the form of the goddess called Dike.


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  • And there are the sort of goddesses or Aeolus of wind and handmaiden for Venus herself.


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  • Ishtar Ishtar," the goddess Ishtar, "cried out like a woman in labor .


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  • What's more, a new goddess is being introduced into the pantheon of deities.


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  • But if you step back and reflect on it, "Well, let's see, I was eating a sandwich and suddenly the sandwich was the Statue of Liberty, except the Statue of Liberty was my mother.


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  • When Alexander gets to Persia, or let's say when he gets to Egypt, he knows that there is this god Isis, this female god Isis, that's very important.


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  • The nymphs, of course, are powerless, and worse than that, the nymphs, as we know and of course as John Milton knew, are merely fictions. This is all made up.


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  • Well, of course,the most famous Greek case,I think of these things, is in Sophocles' play Oedipus the King, which illustrates it perfectly well.

    尼弥西斯:希腊神话中司复仇的三女神的总称 关于这种情况,最著名的希腊案例,我想是,索福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》,它对其进行了完美的阐述

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  • Look at line fifty. This is where Milton asks the ocean nymphs where they were when Edward King's boat was lost ? while crossing the Irish Sea: why didn't you do anything?


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  • You could think of Medusa as Milton's counter-muse.


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  • Artemis is the Greek goddess of--anybody know?


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  • If Milton's true muse, or so he hopes or so he wants us to believe, has a Christian origin, then this counter-muse is unquestionably classical.


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  • The Eyptian goddess Isis seeks out the mangled body of her lover, Osiris, because of her powerful affection for him and because of her desire presumably to see him whole again.


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  • Onto the scene then comes the goddess Ate, which might be translated moral blindness.

    在这种情况下就该女神阿忒登场了,希腊神话中引诱人或神失去理智而发狂的女神 我们也可以称之为道德无视

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  • "Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles " right?


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  • Sabrina Just briefly, a supernatural figure, the nymph: it looks like Sabrina Sabrineah , but it was likely pronounced Sabrina .


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  • Not even the muse Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, was in a position to avert a human tragedy like this.


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  • Look at line fifty-five: "Ay me, I fondly dream! / ?" Had ye been there -- for what could that have done?"


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  • Where were ye Nymphs, when the remorseless deep / clos'd o'er " the head of your lov'd Lycidas?"


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  • Why after all should we expect the nymphs to have helped poor Lycidas?


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  • He would identify the goddess Isis with some Greek goddess.


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  • After the passage is over, Milton addresses Alpheus, a river god -the god who was noted for plunging the course of his river underground in order to chase the nymph Arethuse who had been turned into a fountain.


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  • She's a daughter of Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, and she represents that force that prevents Milton from forgetting all of the pagan and all of the classical literature that, of course, he had spent so much of his life reading.


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  • But Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt.


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  • "Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles."


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  • In other words, he no longer can think straight and so he will do something dangerous,harmful, and very ultimately bad for himself,and when he does whatever it is, he is struck by Nemesis,the goddess of retribution.


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  • When he was shipwrecked on the island in which the goddess Calypso ruled,she fell in love with Odysseus, just as the fate of great heroes-- they are heroic and handsome, and fast and women love them.


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