He's punishing the evil corruption of human beings that he has so lovingly created and whose degradation he can't bear to witness.
Projection is, I have certain impulses I am uncomfortable with, so rather than own them myself, I project them to somebody else.
So cannibalism is morally objectionable as such so then, even on the scenario of waiting until someone died, still it would be objectionable.
There's a danger, I think, that endless tolerance leads to intellectual passivity and the kind of uncritical acceptance of all points of view.
The treatises that he had written in favor of the right to divorce for reasons of incompatibility in the earlier 1640s had scandalized his contemporaries and had especially scandalized his Puritan contemporaries on the left.
He will not tolerate any deviation in the service of alien gods.
He could be a bit more unbiased and tolerant of other perspectives."
The trial of Socrates asks us to think about the limits of toleration, ? what views, if any, do we find simply intolerable?
To tolerate his teaching would seem to trivialize it in some sense, to render it harmless.
The one thing that Plato does not argue is that Socrates should simply be tolerated.
Yes, I do believe it's theft but perhaps it is necessary to condone that theft.
How are we to understand this case ? about toleration and freedom of speech?
How far should freedom of speech and that is to say speech that borders on, even verges into, civic impiety, ? how far should such speech be tolerated?
One answer might be to extend greater toleration to civil dissidents like Socrates.
Should Socrates be tolerated, ? would a good society tolerate Socrates?
Now, I think in certain circumstances it becomes necessary to overlook that unjustness, perhaps condone that injustice as in the case of the cabin boy being killed for food.
Is this really tolerance ? or is it rather a form of moral decay that has simply decided to abandon the search for truth ? and standards of judgment?
To tolerate Socrates would be to say to him that we care little for our way of life and that we are willing to let you challenge it and impugn it every day.
The Athenians refuse to tolerate Socrates because they know he is not harmless, that he poses a challenge, a fundamental challenge to their way of life and all that they hold to be noble and worthwhile.
Should it trump all other goods or does toleration reach a point when it ceases to be toleration and becomes in fact a kind of soft nihilism that can extend liberty to everything precisely because it takes nothing very seriously.