There are 64 combinations of three bases and I only need to describe 20, so there's combinations to spare.
How many combinations of codons are there if there's three bases and four possibilities at each base?
There's just more sequences in a three unit codon than I need for the amino acids.
One of them has the right sequence of codons to specify the amino acid sequence of the protein, and the other one has a complimentary sequence.
If I only had two per codon I wouldn't have enough.
This is the codon, this is the anti-codon, there's only one anti-codon that matches this one and that anti-codon is always - occurs in a molecule that has leucine attached to the other side.
Why are there three bases in a codon?
That creates a problem in the genetic code in that there's 64 possible sequences but there's only 20 some amino acids, so each amino acid can be specified by more than one codon.
You know that messenger RNA is read in three base units called codons, and so this particular piece of messenger RNA is drawn in this cartoon in three base pair units.