Haze drove about twenty feet and stopped the car and then began to back it He backed it over the body and then stopped and got out.
We can go back to ancient Egypt where there khemeia is reference in the hieroglyphs to term khemeia, which, among other things, meant chemical processes for embalming the dead.
They cannot rest quietly in Hades unless their body has been properly buried; so you got to do it.
But we probably shouldn't say that. After all, if you shoot me, there's my corpse lying on the stage.
And as if that weren't terrible enough a realization, he goes on to envision an even more grotesque end for Lycidas' body.
In Genesis 1. He commands proper care of the dead, and he also does that in the P-source.
For four days, the three of them fed on the body and blood of the cabin boy.
Well, they want to see blood, they want to see if there's a body, they want to see how much damage has been caused.
In Paris, you got the Victory Column of the Revolution of 1830, where the Bastille once stood, and it's got the names of all the people that were killed in three days of July 1830; but, in something like this you have a body count of more than 15,000 people.
At the end of the day-- well it maybe it takes longer than a day-- the body has decomposed.
The losing side must come to the winning side and they must ask permission to pick up their dead and bury them.
You turned so serious when the corpse was carried past us; are you afraid of death?
But we can still tend, and we can nurse, the dead body.
He split her like a shellfish into two parts.
There's no body to decorate.
More importantly, the Homeric heroes are said to be bad role models for those who follow them, they are shown to be intemperate in sex, into these vices Socrates adds cruelty and disregard for the dead bodies of one's opponents.
We already learned,by thinking about the corpse case, that existence wasn't good enough for the body theorist.
There's not going to be a hearse. Why not? There's no body!
It's not that, as far as I can see, the fact that she's going to be a corpse gives you any reason not to kiss her.
Both in terms of body functions and personality functions, I'm just a corpse.
On the personality view,I don't exist when I'm a corpse.
You might say, "Look, the physicalist can't tell us that, because all the physical parts are still there when you've got the corpse, at least if it's a fresh corpse before the decay has set in.
As a corpse,I no longer exist.
After all,I'm a corpse.
What is a corpse?
Typically, that is granted and they can then do it, but they are of course humbling themselves by making the request and coming down under the orders of the winners and taking their dead away and being buried.
Here's my corpse.
That's a little bit misleading, given the view I just sketched where even though I'm dead I still exist for a while as a corpse.
In the normal case,I'm in a car accident or whatever it is, and my body stops functioning,my personality stops functioning, and you're left with a corpse.
If there's something sort of degrading or unnoble about being a person who is going to become a corpse, committing suicide doesn't alter that fundamental fact either.