Takes a start and an end point, just going to bind local variable names start and end to those pieces.
You don't have to mention any of the local variables, because at this point in the story, they're just not relevant.
So answer, or ANS, is also bound only locally.
Well, because the memory we've been using for local variables, and for functions, storage space is what computer scientists generally call the stack.
And when you declare a variable, whether as an argument or as literally a local variable, they only live inside of that function.
All the local variables can be dealt with later.
It's not a local variable.
So variables you were introduced to in scratch, and there was this idea of global and local variables, but scratch called them something a little different.
No. Because A and B and even temp they were by nature local or temporary variables.
foo So everything is literally going back to back to back and so foo, similarly, if you have any local variables, like temp, it then goes here.
And, again, the rectangle represents your computer's RAM, the bottom represents the part of RAM that we generally call the stack, main conceptually ends up on the bottom of the stack followed foo by its local variables then the function say foo that it calls and on and on and on and up, but there is, in fact, something above all of this and we've seen this picture briefly and that's this thing called the heap.