It looks like we're cut off the screen a little bit here, but you can see I've just circled it there.
and display it on your screen, sort of how it works.
I'm going to write things on the board, I'm going to post things up on the screen, and so on.
The cookies were going back and forth and back and forth and the hearts up and down, well, this thing that we had that called a loop last week with a forever block with a statement inside of it is simply gonna look a little something like this.
It's not showing up on the screen for some reason.
Now, on this screen is going to be instructions but I want to give the instructions to this half of the class.
You can't see this too well but there's a map of the world here that actually shows you all the individual cases of polio that occurred between this period of August 2007 and, it's cut off on the screen, February of 2008.
You see a bleep going across the screen to indicate that they've got their finger on the pulse of what's happening, or you see it in TV shows like ER.
He'd have a screen saver showing pictures on the screen, paintings, and didn't say anything about them.
You sign up for your human subjects requirement they put you in front of a computer screen and then they tell you, "Oh, just sit in front of the computer screen " and then we'll ask you some questions."
So if you've got putty or terminal up on the screen, -- and you're having some trouble that's really best seen with -- in that natural environment, we can actually see sort of tech-support style on the right-hand side what you're doing, and you can see everything we're doing.