And if the distance between the wall and the dam was large in comparison to the wavelength then what happens?
Satan's shield is as big as the moon -this is the most common form of simile, epic or otherwise, and it can be schematized.
When d is large in comparison to lambda the obstacles cast shadows.
This cell can only be an effective barrier if there's no way to get past it.
A state of war can include, in other words, " what we might call a "cold war," two hostile sides looking at each other across a barrier of some type, not clear or not certain what the other will do.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with the question of simply the size of Satan's shield, and we realize that we have to redraw the schema into which we fit this simile.
As I see it, the official function of this simile is to give us a sense of the size of Satan's shield and thereby to give us a sense of the size of Satan himself.
That kind of makes sense, but there's more, of course, here than the moon to describe Satan's shield.
If this distance is large in comparison to the wavelength, this dam simply casts a shadow.
For example, you could put a dam in the middle of the tank.
Well, I'm going to write on the board, "shield equals moon," and you can schematize it with, let's say, "A equals A'." A'?
Now, this particular simile conjures for us an image of someone trying to get a fix on Satan's shield, and there's the suggestion here of an attempt to get a proper perspective on this huge character, Satan.
Some form what are called megakaryocytes which become platelets, which are responsible for clotting, for forming a barrier if your circulatory system gets injured so you don't bleed.
That's how big Satan's shield was: well, how big is Satan's spear?
Because of that they're barriers, they separate the inside of the cell from the outside of a cell, and only certain kinds of molecules can pass through a cell membrane.
You have an obstacle.
The other is that this kind of adherence gives the tissue a property that's useful, in this case the property is it can serve as a barrier to nutrients from entering our body.
These junctions, these red dots here are actually made up of proteins, some are synthesized by one cell, some are synthesized by each other, and they lock together to form a very tight barrier, to form a tight junction between the two cells.
We talked about this a little bit in section last week, when you eat vegetables or meat, you're eating a lot of DNA but that doesn't enter the cells of your body because of the barrier properties of cell membranes.