You see, in the previous empires, like the Assyrian Empire, or these kinds of-- the Egyptian Empire, when people conquered other peoples, often all they wanted was tribute.
The Russian empire was rather like Charlemagne's empire in 800 in the coronation at Aachen or Aix-la-Chapelle and all of that.
To be a king, one need merely put forth one's regal state, one simply needs to act kingly.
Obviously, World War One is-- unleashes the demons of the twentieth century; nobody could have anticipated that all these empires would collapse.
So, the citadel and the farmland surrounding it, make up fundamentally the unit which is the Mycenaean kingdom.
and at some point I'm sure there was a question of cultural imperialism involve.
The idea of The Matrix is explicitly built upon Cartesian— Descartes' worries about an evil demon.
The Holy Roman Empire, as it was known in the time of Machiavelli, was the successor to the ancient Roman state, the older Roman Empire.
Archaeologists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were stunned to find the ruins and the records of remarkable peoples and cultures--massive, complex empires in some cases, but some of which had completely disappeared from human memory.
And similarly, while we're at it--this is not a Matrix-like worry-- if you're worried about, yeah, but what's happening ? to world poverty while I'm doing all of this?
Maybe someday the British--United Kingdom-- something will happen to it, it will fall apart or change, but that is so distant in the future that we can disregard that, so we'll take that as forever.
Because whenever we say,"Asia Minor," we're talking about that section around the Mediterranean that now is called Turkey. But it was called Asia Minor, generally,in the Roman Imperial Period.
Because, after all, European Russia is part of Europe and will have an enormous influence on Asian affairs as well.
When a slave is freed--and in the Ancient World, in the Roman Empire, most slaves were eventually freed, - unless they just died before long-- they became a freed man.
But it's important for understanding both the Roman Empire, as well as early Christianity and its patron-client relations.
This was why Christianity and other things were able to spread so easily, why Paul was able to travel around the empire.
And by this time Mark Antony had palled up with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and Octavian beat both of them, and he became the sole ruler of the empire in 27 BCE.
But if you were going to be elite-- he wanted to establish cities throughout his empire that would be actually Greek cities, and he wanted to have the elite people all be able, at least, to speak Greek.
Within his own lifetime, Aristotle would see Athens, Sparta, and the other great cities of Greece swallowed up by the great Macedonian Empire to the north.
So, the rise and fall of empires is obviously a theme of this course.
I think there is an essential sort of imperialism.
After his death, his empire was divided up among his generals, and after some fighting and maneuvering and negotiations, four successors to Alexander the Great finally ended up splitting up his large empire into four smaller empires.
There can be no relations of trust in a large, imperial despotism.
These Germanic and other tribes, who were largely located north and northeast of Europe, came down--I should say not Europe, but the Roman Empire-- came down and ultimately destroyed it by invasion.
He should have asked another question, which empire?
The barriers to unity presented by European geography and very limited technology made it hard for a would-be conqueror to create a vast empire, eliminating competitors and imposing his will over vast areas.
The State can provide these services.
He wants to build a capital city.