So the integers are totally ordered the reals are totally ordered lots of things are, the rationals are totally ordered.
If I want to create a set or a sequence representing these things, I simply insert into that list.
I first had a list of size 8, then 4, then 2, but then I had another problem of size 2.
When we looked at the random walk series I think the representativeness heuristic played a role in there as well.
He is determined to make sense of those four numbers in some kind of a sequence, and this is what he came up with finally.
For reason, he writes in a famous passage, "for reason is nothing but reckoning, that is adding and subtracting the consequences of general names agreed upon."
Notice the difference. The recipe, the sequence of instructions, is actually getting read in, and it's treated just like data.
You could read through this sequence and you could figure out what the sequence of amino acids would be.
If it was directly transcribed there'd be regions that are important for making insulin and regions that are not.
And the nice thing is that there's a shared behavior there. Just as I can have tuples as an ordered collection of things, strings behave as an ordered collection of things.
And if the test is true, it will change the value of this program counter to point to some other place in the memory, some other point in that sequence of instructions, and you'll keep processing.
Well here is my array of 8, you know what, it's too much work to sort all 8.
The best way to label this DNA is by designing probes or labels that hybridize with specific sequences that you're interested in.
This list is sorted and that is, you know, stupid to say but it's very much correct.
The process to control it is intriguing and interesting but the heart of the computer is simply this notion that we build our descriptions, our recipes, on a sequence of primitive instructions.
That can happen but that's abnormal, but changes in maybe the chemistry of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together.
One of the things about these plasmids that makes them very useful is that their entire base pair sequences is known.
You don't see strings with commas between them, but it has the same kind of property. It is in ordered sequence of characters.
That program counter points to some location in memory typically to the first instruction in the sequence.
Along the way I have some tests, and depending on the value of that test, I may change where I am in that sequence of instructions.
So here is a list of size 2, this is the light one, this is the heavier one.
And so now when I have the list here, let's see, yours is facing this way, so small is gonna be here large is gonna be here.
So you know everywhere on this picture you could write down exactly what the sequence of nucleotides are that make up this vector.
That's an example of symmetric sequence and it happens that most restriction enzymes also recognize those spaces.
But we're going to see, very shortly, that in fact those collections could be arbitrary.
I constructed a series of home prices -that's the red line and the red line is -you can see how it's moved through history.
It's a sequence of specific instructions that I do in order.
That means the gene that encodes insulin, the sequence of base pairs that encode insulin.
And the context of sorting, the worst case is your handed a problem that's in complete reverse order because that implies you have - to do as more work that could possibly-- that you could-- you have to do more work than you would of course if things were in perfect order.