Most advanced countries of the world today have a corporate profits tax rate for large corporations of about a third.
So they--a typical advanced country takes a third of the profits, the government takes a third of the profits.
They give out justice, or the lack of justice, or they send armies in, or taxes, or this stuff.
Equal justice, he tells us, requires equal taxation policy and he seems to be proposing a kind of consumption tax so that the rich, who consume more will have to pay their fair share.
The personal income tax is not simple; it's not just a flat rate on your income, it depends on the type of income.
The personal income tax is levied on individuals and these individuals have to pay it.
In the early post-war period, the corporate--now I'm going to talk-- there's a distinction between the rate that they charge and the actual amount that they take.
When we were taking 90% of dividends that was 90% of the stock market being taken by the government; but that's not all because we were also taxing the corporations.
What McCaffery points out is that the only time the government in the United States has ever been able to impose high taxes on wealthy people was during wars.
Part of being an absolute ruler is being able to levy taxes against those people who have the joy or the extreme misfortune of living in those domains, and more about that later.
We didn't even have income tax until 1913 when the Supreme Court allowed it, so it was zero, then it went up to 90%-- or actually it was 94% at the peak--and it came down to 15%.