It seems like magic that a fleshy lump of gray, disgusting meat can give rise to these feelings.
Because people view themselves as committed to an ethics of autonomy, they can't just say it's disgusting.
But you wouldn't notice the disgustingness if you just thought about the value of pizza in isolation and the value of chocolate in isolation.
The image of men, and it's a grotesque image, of men rifling the bowels of their mother earth for treasures better hid - this is a disgusting and terrifying image of a lot of things.
Well, i mean a cockroach might be seen as being harmful because we consider them dirty, disgusting, revolting insects and we don't define insects as something we eat, at least in our culture.
And even if you know intellectually full well that sashimi isn't why you became nauseous still you'll develop an aversion to this new food.
And the idea is that a connection between what something tastes and getting sick is natural.
I didn't make any of these up, but there you are, as I'm talking about them, you're just being grossed out as I describe them.
And actually though, the brain is just disgusting.
The Garcia effect is that this is special to taste and nausea.
Now I could probably make some of you very sick to your stomach by having you close your eyes and imagine eating a cockroach, and if I really walked through what you'd be experiencing if you did that, you'd be very upset.
I mean foods that really make you sick.
I mean probably those of you-- I mean I can see you people squirming right now when I--just at the mention of that-- so I'm not going to go through the process of having you close your eyes and imagine eating the cockroach.