In Lycidas Milton doesn't let himself, thank God, go quite so far as he does in this amazing ending to "Damon's Epitaph."
Spotted fever in purples for example, which we call measles, was a significant cause of death as was the plague, which we don't have anymore, thank goodness.
So, thank goodness, Stony triumphed.
In Babylonia, for instance, and this I think was typical, Hammurabi was not a god, but as we know, thank God, by the great steely that he left, which is now in the Louvre.
But I have a favorite line in his novel called The Hamlet, where Faulkner has one of his characters say, and I quote: "Only thank God men have done learned how to forget quick what they ain't brave enough to cure."
And you could never imagine that he would be somebody that people would listen to on the radio, hour after hour, because that's how long he talked; or that when Stauffenberg tries to kill him in 1944 the Germans would pour out of the-- into the street to thank god for saving the Fuhrer.