Well, I've got part of what I want for abstraction Abstraction, again, says I'm going to suppress details.
So here's a simple flow chart that I'm going to use to capture what I just described.
Again, these are antibodies that are specific to that antigen or vaccine that we introduced.
Again, I don't want to make too much of my estimates because different people would estimate these things in different ways, but that's the theory.
Shout out your name again, I've forgotten it.
I don't find that my analysis is profound in the final answer, I just took some estimates using my data and, again, we could-- if someone wanted to argue with us they could argue with my estimates of the expected returns of the standard deviations and the covariances, but not with this theory.
And I think in the polar one I said, if, what did I do there, I said, yeah, again if the x and y are greater than the other one, I'm going to return them to it.
I've got and init that says, when you create an instance, here's what you do.