The typewriter is holy! the poem is holy the voice is holy the hearers are holy the ecstasy is holy!
and, for example, when you are typing on Microsoft Word, it always comes up with American
Your computer looks like a typewriter, but a typewriter just speeds recording of information.
You guys use computers, I used the typewriter when I started college, so I was burning more calories creating a paper than you guys have too.
So if you've ever seen or used an old school typewriter, you might recall that when you're typing something out on an old mechanical typewriter, - when you like hit the char-- when you hit the enter key to move the head back to the left hand side to the next line or you would pull down some lever, it was really a two part process.
Let's bind z eh let's bind z to the-- f if I could type it would help-- say, f of 3. OK?
The typing coming from here is going at that rate, being Stanford alumni, of course the first thing you could type here would be Shakespeare.
He says that poetry has to - reconcile all sorts of disparate experience-- reading Spinoza, the smell of cooking, the sound of the typewriter.
It's funny when I e-mail people. I have one finger, you know.
I work as a typist and a copy editor.
Also, in the nineteenth century, the typewriter was invented.
Pulling this lever or pushing the button would actually rotate the paper enough so that you'd be on a new line and it would also move the little imprinting head that prints the letters of the alphabet and such all the way to the left.
So, you had competent people with their typewriters and carbon papers.
Tests show in the nineteenth century that people could type four or five times as fast as they could handwrite and there's no ambiguity because it's very clear what key was struck; whereas, handwritten--fast handwriting becomes impossible to read--or difficult.