The first is, that while God's promise is sure, the manner and the timing of its fulfillment is quite unpredictable.
So I think the first critical decision I made is don't spend money as you promised it to your investors.
According to Eliot, the modern world lacks a center, a kind of set of collective beliefs and commitments that would enable communication between us.
So yet another threat to the promise is overcome: threat of famine is overcome by the relocation to Egypt.
It consists of a promise to pay, usually denominated in currency, and there are both long-term and short-term debt instruments.
So it is my promise to you and it is the huge staff's promise to you that we will absolutely get you through this course and you will have a good time doing so.
What might lead to a commitment, ? a decision to make a commitment to make the relationship last?
It promises something like the power of God as he brings the shattering close of the entire Christian narrative to an end at the Last Judgment and beyond.
So I wasn't under a contract but let's come back and fulfill that promise anyway.
But TEFRA was coupled with a promise by Tip O'Neil and Bob Dole that for every dollar in tax increases government spending would be cut by 3 dollars.
So here,at long last,I'm making good on my promissory note.
The long-term fiscal challenge is largely a product of promises in our entitlement programs, medicare, medicate and social security that we have made the future generations that we cannot afford to keep.
And a few seconds later, he says "Mr. Bernstein, you don't expect me to keep my promises, do you?" And Berstein laughs like the little toady that he is and says, "Oh, yes!"
We have to resist excessive commitment to this idea of it being a center, but it is at least not a center which somehow stands outside of itself and is a center only in the sense that it is some remote, hidden, impersonal, distant cause.
Well what can you do? Well you can promise miracles, there's very little control over these sorts of things, you can distort the science, you can lie about what you do and nobody will come after you.
Let's assume that we know that this thing is going to be paid, so it's a matter of simple time.
But at the sametime, Deuteronomy really does not bring closure to this narrative, because at the end of Deuteronomy, the promises still are not fulfilled.
According to a time-honored tradition in finance, it says that it's a promise to pay $1, but it's not worth $1 today.
I don't want to really know that much about you, I don't want to really share anything of me with you, but I am committed to maintaining this physical attraction to you" Well, that's what Sternberg calls "fatuous love."
- And here as promised is that other operator -- looks a little weird, but because assignment is already using the equal sign to assign one value on the right to a variable on the left.
What if the British government promised to pay 10% more each year, how would the market value that?
And now notice as promised, I'm using a Mac here so my cursor is not actually blinking, but the cursor is waiting there for me.
Maybe it's not always the raider; it's that some employees had trusted in an implicit contract that they were offered by their employer.
The important thing for the corporation is to live up to any promises it made.
Now then, I promised you we'd get back to the game from last time.
I may have an "IOU" From someone or I may own a bond from someone that promises to pay me something in a year or two years.
They'll think you couldn't fulfill your promise.
if you have all three, intimacy, passion, commitment, this is "consummate love" according to Sternberg complete love.
What if you have intimacy,we share secrets, passion, we feel physically attracted to each other but we're not making any commitments here."