It's on the market, very popular in terms of your choices right now as an option as an anti-depressant.
I was born with,genetically speaking, relatively high level of anxiety, inclination toward rumination, we'll talk about that later in the course.
Medication, of course, being a major theme of how we deal with certain disorders now, particularly depression and anxiety disorders.
So, for example, you might be familiar with Wellbutrin here, this is a type of anti-depressant that a lot of people use right now that are taking anti-depressants.
When we discuss clinical psychology and depression we'll learn the extent to which neurotransmitter disorders are implicated in certain disorders like depression.
And one problem is that "For depression" is that there's too little of a neurotransmitter known as serotonin.
Prozac makes serotonin more prevalent and so in some extent might help alleviate depression.
How can we prevent problems like depression or substance abuse or schizophrenia in young people who are genetically vulnerable or who live in worlds ? that nurture these problems?
Dr. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema is the world's authority on depression, and in particular, on sex differences and depression, and she's going to talk about this towards the end of the course.
Although Freud was very sensitive to the brain basis of behavior, Freud was totally convinced that the method through which to cure disorders like depression and anxiety would not be medication but rather through the sort of talk therapy and insight.
Now he's asking this question and the disease model response to this is we need to help them deal directly with depression, with their anxiety and with their unhappiness whether it's violence,whether it's unhappiness.