• I first had a list of size 8, then 4, then 2, but then I had another problem of size 2.


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  • But then you start seeing the results and you start seeing how your body changes and you start, you know,


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  • So the status of slave was lowest, ; freed persons was next highest in Roman Law; and free people were next.


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  • I don't know what to--and then it kind of waffled around in London and then it shot up even higher.


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  • Two: check to see if this is the answer, if this is the thing I'm looking for.


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  • I said, "I have no idea how to do that but it's an interesting idea. But let's keep talking.


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  • He invaded and he was clobbered, and then you read the splendid story Herodotus tells of how he was captured.


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  • Of course what I want then to say to you is not actually you're the one who is making the mistake.


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  • In a way, there's a subset of questions that arises from those, to the effect that this is, of course, what we'll be taking up next time: the question "What is an author?"


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  • This leads then to the account of the birth of Moses, and his exposure to the Nile River.


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  • Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells - Shattering and avalanching on the snow crust-- Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.


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  • Let's move on. Neither of these critics -neither Fish nor Hartman discusses one of the most celebrated aspects of this last simile that we've looked at, and I have a little hunch that there's a reason for their neglect.


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  • All right. So let's bring down our middle slide here.


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  • An originator is a company that lends money to households; they raise money and then they lend it out as mortgages to households.


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  • And then,they might keep the original, and they'd send the copy off to somebody else.


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  • Well, let me turn to another aspect of the story of Homer and how the poems play into Greek society.


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  • Then we had another recession that began in 1953 -that's that line--and it ended in '54, and so on.


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  • And then it goes into this wild videogame, MTV-style narrative of a heavenly journey of this guy John.


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  • A god can make a plan and they're thwarted by another god who then murders that god.


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  • Continuing to page 1004, the upper right-hand column: xpectations"--this word is what Iser thinks governs the sort of dialectic that the reading process is playing with.


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  • And it's come to this, A man can't speak of his own child that's dead."


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