And here, I'm going to suggest we've seen numbers, we've seen strings, and I'm going to add Booleans here as well.
However, there are several points that need to be remembered.
Now let me remind you that they're going to be grading many of your things, so let's give them another hand.
PROFESSOR 2: I just want to maybe mention that in some of the reading, you'll see terms like object equality and value equality, instead of shallow equality and deep equality.
So also, along those lines in terms of test taking, make sure you also box your answers and that you keep track of significant figures and that you also remember to include your units.
Any genuinely new trend is a knight's move. I just remind you, in chess the knight doesn't move in a straight line.
Notably, I put on the website for March 5th, under our class syllabus, a New York Times article about him entitled, "Curiosity Has Its Merits."
Again, still in the interest of recapping, this particular game is called the Prisoners' Dilemma.
I wanna one more time remind you about this book.
Remind you, that's not to say that I myself do believe that there will be a Judgement Day, and on that day God will reassemble the bodies.
If I join a fraternity-- it is also by the way illegal but if I were to join a fraternity and they say, "Welcome to the fraternity, Dr. Bloom.
It's much more a question of reminding you ; that if you can do it with this, you can do it with anything; but also of reminding you that, after all, reading--reading just anything--is a complex and potentially almost unlimited activity.
But just go to, click office hours and you'll see the Google Calendar with all of the office hours that are still happening tonight, as well as tomorrow and these are just an opportunity to chat, to ask questions one on one with the teaching fellows or course assistants or frankly just a way to hang out during brain break and work on projects and then see what some of your friends might be tackling themselves.
I just want to remind you, if I wanted to, for example, type in an expression like that, notice the syntactical form, it's an expression, a number, followed by an operand, followed by another expression.
And I'll also remind you, and we're going to see this in the next example, we talked about looking at the worst case behavior. In these cases there's no best case worst case, it's just doing one computation.
And actually before we start into today's topics, I want to remind everyone and hopefully you all do remember that our first exam is coming up and it's coming up in exactly a week, so it'll be a week from today, next Wednesday.
I'll be really, really clear when we get through them, and that's where you can stop in terms of studying for this.
Which is a way of reminding you that I need to think as I write the code about what are my expectations from the input, and how might I enforce them.
All that's going to change, is the value the variable or the value of some data structures.
I want to remind you that we were talking at a fairly high level about complexity.
So I'm going to suggest that we've looked at three different kinds of things.
And I want to remind you of our goal.
And I want to remind you, that block of code is a set of instructions, the same set of instructions that are going to be done each time through the loop.
But now I'm going to change it, so what is that new version of class say.
And the book just tells you that, right, in one of those palm"-- the ordinary event which is really trickery, a suggestion ; that nothing has been left to chance in the novel; nothing is ordinary.
So I will indicate when that moment is.
And I want to suggest that what we've done is, we've outlined a lot of the basic elements of programming. A lot of the basic elements we're going to need to write code.
Again, you have to shout it out more because I'm guessing people didn't hear that in room.
Let me just warn you couple more times.
And as a reminder, hopefully I don't need to remind any of you, but exam 1 is on Wednesday, so rather than our clicker question being on something from last class, which is exam 2 material, let's just make sure everyone remembers some small topic from exam 1 material, which is the idea of angular nodes.