Now as soon as we start talking about things like the dominant, we are also aware of the evanescence of dominance.
Copyright arose as a bourgeois idea. That is to say, "I possess my writing. I have an ownership relationship with my writing."
So I think that it's more like how you spend your time doing stuff to have an answer than like something that I've learned specifically from college.
He started out by observing that all of us, all human beings are governed by two sovereign masters: pain and pleasure.
The motor neurons are deactivated and then, because the way you breathe is through motor neurons, you then die.
Gender differences, he says, are no more relevant when it comes to positions of political rule being bald and being hairy.
But, that's all changed, but the reality of the situation, that Paris is overly dominant, has not changed at all.
Because that's true, then asset allocation ends up being the overwhelmingly important determinant of the University's results.
Al-Qaeda makes the statement: how can my identity dominate and destroy your identity?
What's the dominant in the text is just the stuff, the stuff in his knapsack listed with as little implication as possible.
In a certain poet, the image, the image patterns, can certainly be recognized as the dominant device.
The sovereign holds total power over all the institutions of civilian and ecclesiastical life, holding sway over a kind of peaceable kingdom.
And, one of the reasons why the role of the dominance of Paris is so great is precisely because of the centralization of the French state.
In other words, an enormous variety of aspects of literature, understood as "literariness," can become the dominant.
Any device can be the dominant at a given moment in the development of literary history.
we "put both feet squarely on the ground" of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that somehow or another it's a governing presence.
you're not lying to anybody else still, there are desires and motivations that govern your behavior that you may not be aware of.
Law is the best hedge we have against " the domination of partiality and desire."
And yet for others, philosophy is the source of the desire to dominate.
involves rejecting the claim that you know what you're doing.
It blocks motor neurons from affecting muscle fibers.
Bentham arrives at this principle by the following line of reasoning: We're all governed by pain and pleasure, they are our sovereign masters, and so any moral system has to take account of them.
In other words, once you start thinking about the evanescence of dominance, you're also thinking about literary history.
It becomes, at certain moments in the evolution of forms according to the Russian formalists, the dominant.
Notice the importance -and we'll come back to it-- of the word "dominant": "the dominant" in the thinking of the Russian formalists and the struggle for dominance among species in a habitat.
What other people call content is a device like any other, and it engages in the struggle for dominance with all the other devices that one can identify as aspects of literature."
Now, one might expect that the author of a book entitled The Prince would favor the great, would favor the grandi, those who desire to rule.
Therefore he says avoids dominance by either extreme.