No English poet before Milton ever suggested that he had been chosen by God at birth to be a poet.
It's not like she's without any problems, and I'm sure all those other girls are too.
I sometimes compare myself with the mad old slum women I hear denouncing and remembering; "how dare you?"
So we ask very limited questions, which is why we brag about how accurately we can predict the future.
And then I say, oh you know I've used lists all over this program. I'll bet this isn't the only place where I've made this mistake.
Well I grew up in Michigan and I can assure you that Michiganders love all those things too and probably even more.
And they had, of course, the strength of mind, as well as the audacity and cunning, to take advantage of this situation.
I would say two-thirds of the coast of the island of Sicily is filled with Greek towns.
None of England's pre-Miltonic poets -- Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare had dared to suggest -- and it would never have occurred to them to suggest that theirs was actually a divine vocation.
I bet there are people in this room who know the lyrics to over 1,000 songs, NBA know the number of every individual in the National Basketball Association, so I think that learning some subset of elements is not unreasonable.
How can I? How dare I feel good about myself?
I take chances no one else will--great driver," but above and beyond that there does seem to be a psychological effect manifested here and manifested elsewhere, which is a motivation to feel good about yourself.
I'm sure people'd love to talk to you.
A very common scenario, I'm sure.
And in fact, if we count up all of these silly comparisons I was making verbally I bet I'm gonna be making fewer in the end than I was with bubble or with selection.
Well, they're Elevated people in Chicago I'm sure.
Well more than that.
Can anyone venture a guess?
I'm sure that's true for any sport.
So I'm sure you guys have that.
But no one dared say we have this little planetary model, I've got an electron orbiting a central nucleus and I am going to endow that electron with quantized states That was a big leap and that was Bohr in postulate five Postulate five I am just going to reproduce.
They really don't.So, if everybody masters the material A I can say A's on the house.
We even have entire disciplines like economics and psychology and I dare even say modern political science that reinforced this view of human nature.
Now for my money, it's Belial who gives us the most beautiful and the most seductive contribution to the debate in hell, but it has got to be Mammon who most resembles Milton himself.
I'll take this even a step further, even though there is no research about this, I bet you this is correct: there is no difference in our levels of wellbeing if our place of residents is by the river or in the .
I say this now with great confidence but ten years ago this story, which all the Greeks agreed too, agreed upon in every respect, that the temple of Apollo was built right on top of this, and underneath the floor of the temple was this little room where the gases came up, where the priestess sat, where all of this came up.
Yet, no man," Hobbes continues, "can thence infer that a particular man has more liberty or immunity from the service of the commonwealth there than in Constantinople, the city of the Caliphs, the Caliphate.
I bet not.
I'll bet you, even if you're reading this for the second or the third time, you were surprised again when you came to this point.