Unlike many poleis,Athens had been successful in gaining control of the whole region which it dominated,the region of Attica.
So the whole kind of area around here is a massive, massive tourist area,
This was a civilization that was not shut in on itself, but was in touch with the entire Mediterranean region.
You could have a conflagaration, a Balkan's type conflagaration through the entire Midlle East.
This means that all the area surrounding that Fairview Gardens was mainly farmland back in the 1950s, all growing food, probably a fair amount of it being eaten locally by people.
So in London, you can find the whole world in one area or another
So Athens was the polis for Attica, but it was also the polis for all of Attica, all that region around Athens, including villages and farms and other small towns too.
Well, I think that the whole area celebrates just, Columbus coming here
I'm going to contrast that with the situation in Greece after the fall of the Mycenaean world, and I was going to say not just in the Mycenaean towns themselves, but over the entire Aegean Sea and indeed across the Mediterranean.
Well, let's get back out into the Aegean Sea and we just crossed Asia Minor.
Going west, would you believe, when you get into what is now Libya, there was a very important Greek colony of Cyrene and that whole region was called Cyrenaica and it was a Greek.