STUDENT: Right, we're going to do that in a second, but the answer is Fibonacci numbers, we define the first two.
Does anyone know the history of what Fibonacci was trying to do? Sorry, let me re-ask that. Fibonacci.
When you go to Greece do the obvious, go where the tourists go and Delphi is one place not to miss.
But, in some sense, I'll be giving a closer commentary of the Phaedo than I'll do for the other readings.
Which actually is son of Bonacci which is the name of his father who was apparently a very friendly guy. First of all, does anyone know what a Fibonacci number is? Wow.
And the reason I want to show you this is to notice that the recursion can be doubled.
Now, the objection I've just raised is not the objection that Plato raised in the Phaedo, but he does raise a different objection.
What I'm suggesting to you is that this was the best information gathering and storing device that existed in the Mediterranean world.
The particular dialogue that we're going to reading,the Phaedo, is set at the death scene of Socrates.
Because at some point in here, Delphi really did become the navel of the universe; everybody came.
It takes the number whose Fibonacci memo I want plus a memo.
Nonetheless, in the case of the Phaedo, I am going to spend more time actually saying, "Here's what I think the first main argument is.
Even there, I won't be spending time reading out loud long passages from the Phaedo.
Starting next week, we're going to be looking at Plato's dialogue, the Phaedo.
So that's all I really wanted to say by way of introduction.
We'll be talking about the Phaedo starting some time next week and we'll continue the discussion of the Phaedo for at least a bit of, maybe all of, the week after that.
Anybody--raise your hand if you've been to Delphi.
And so although I'll be saying a great deal about the Phaedo once we turn to it, I want to just take a minute or two and say a couple of introductory remarks.
We know for sure Greeks and barbarians, and everybody came to Delphi, and when you came to Delphi and you were going to consult the it was hard, there were a lot of people, a long line, so there was a waiting issue.
The topic of the Phaedo, as I say, is set on Socrates' last day.
So in about a week or so we'll start reading Plato's Phaedo.
That's the question that's driving the discussion in the Phaedo.
You should start reading the Phaedo for next week.
Well, there are the various parts of our physical body, but there's also our soul. Remember, as I said, in introducing the Phaedo, Plato doesn't so much argue for the existence of something separate, the soul, as presuppose it.
And so we've got it up here, a nice little recursive implementation of it.
Those would have been some of the considerations, and so what the Oikistes does when he has picked out in his own mind where he wanted to go, next he goes to Delphi.
You remember last time we were looking at Fibonacci.
And the thing I wanted point out is, we've got this global variable number of calls. Which is there not because Fibonacci needs it but just for pedagogical reasons, so that we can keep track of how much work this thing is doing.
Okay, now suppose you are the Oikistes, you've gotten the permission from your city to go forward, and you go to the Delphic Oracle and the Delphic Oracle says fine, by all means, go where you want to go.
好吧,现在假设,你被选为Oikistes,即被选出来建设城邦新殖民地的首领 你得到了向前行进的许可,然后你去了特尔斐神示所,神谕说一切顺利,这意味着,你想去哪都可以