The square brackets here, meanwhile, say this is a special type of variable that's got multiple values inside of it.
Whatever the mortgage rate is quoted, you substitute it into this formula and you find out what the square bracket thing is.
You'll also see in a little while why both of these things would work this way, but it's not what I wanted. OK?
It turns out you can list one, give it a name, and if you use square brackets, that tells the compiler I actually want to put multiple values inside of this -- inside of this variable and how do we do that?
Why does it start with square braced square brace?
OK. And how do I create them? Well, the representation is, following a square bracket, followed by a sequence of elements, separated by commas, followed by a closed square bracket.
Then to get the monthly payment, you take the square bracketed thing and you divide by the mortgage balance and that's the monthly payment; that's how it's calculated.
Well, turns out that with arrays, not to make this too trippy too soon, but Arg V bracket something is a string, you can also use square bracket notation to go to a specific letter in a string, because little teaser a string is just an array.
At every point of time your mortgage balance is equal to your mortgage payment times that square bracketed thing, where T is the amount of time you have left.