When he was earnest in discourse, these shone, as it were, a bright- as if a bright live coal within it.
I really like the bright colors and style of your dress. So beautiful!
They're all bright, they're all cheerful, they all say "Merry Christmas," etc., etc., etc.
I move out of the room toward the bathroom, planning to brush my teeth. As I enter the bathroom, it's much more light, I look in the mirror and-- here's where things get really weird--I don't see anything.
Well, with the first movement we said he's generally going and that kind of idea, but now it's and we'll explore this when we get to harmony, this idea of major and minor so we're going music and now and that's a change from the dark minor to the brighter major.
The sun on the bright, beige countryside was painful.
You can--Degrees of pushing, degrees of heat, degrees of brightness.