Okay, so there's lots of-- then these things get coupled like you're saying, so these are very interesting things.
We do a lot of unique things here and have a lot of opportunities to do fun things in classes.
At the end of the day, the goal is to make something that's of interest to you, fun for you, cs50 net/ohs and you'll see at cs50.net/ohs for office hours, what the schedule is therefore.
Some physical objects can do things of a far more interesting sort than other physical objects.
In other words, you might think of it as a kind of artificial, processed, bland, easily consumable version of fate. I really mean that. One of the funny things about that debt to Finnegans Wake is, Finnegans Wake as a book of puns is unreadable.
Just to amuse yourself, not for any kind of punitive think-about-the-exam exercise, but it would be fun to take these categories and think about these other countries, particularly those who were absolute states, other large important states in Europe and see to what extent you have these factors there.
It's interesting how our leaders have discussed this.
He is telling you about all the fun things that he did.
And you'll have fun, you'll learn a lot about France, I'll tell you that. Okay, one theme I'm interested in is-- well let me tell you about lectures, first of all.
There's one other interesting thing in here.
Another thing that is interesting is that when you look at the burials of Greeks in the post-Mycenaean period, in the Dark Ages, there's nothing resembling those grand tombs and the wealth that's buried in them for the dead.
That's a choice, and that choice turns out to be very interesting and really important, because if you connect these two points together, you get a straight line that has to intercept the x-axis at some point.
but if you do something really like interesting, you know, then...
This is telling us something deep and important and interesting about the nature of death.
It's not the most interesting physical object in the world, but it's a whole lot more interesting than a piece of chalk.
It's not the most interesting of the chateaux at all.