Realize that there's an inevitably challenge for us and actually helping people in this kind of context, especially as the deadline really approaches.
Then the--so the term structure was downward-sloping until about two and a half years and then it was upward sloping.
At the end of the loan upon your payment of the principal and of sufficient additional interest, John Milton, Sr., the goldsmith, would return to you the gold that you had entrusted to him.
So,as the vaccine was passed from arm to arm, it became less potent, and the length of protection that it would give you varied.
Our application deadline was April.
So we have--U.S. Government issues bills and that's less than or equal to one year and they pay no interest.
The theory of the term structure is the theory of how interest rates differ according to maturity or term.
The banks weren't willing to lend more than five years because they didn't trust you; they thought things would change and whatever.
So, according to the expectations theory augmented with liquidity preference-- This strongly upward-sloping term structure in 2003 would reflect two things.
The bonds are auctioned off on regular dates and you cannot participate in the auction; I assume you can't.
The term means it was a sixty-day Treasury bill; that means it pays not $100, it would start at $10,000.
I think one of the most pervasive problems in the financial markets is investment with too short a time horizon.
As you know, the maturity is 60-days and, as you know, there are about 360 days in a year.
The Federal Funds Rate was 5.5% and then the whole term structure -all the way--almost all the way.
This is January of this year, before the Fed cut interest rates, and this is the term structure.
Now today, the standard mortgage, which you would probably get when you buy your first house, is not fifteen or twenty--it's thirty years.
The interesting question from the standpoint of economic theory is, why did it have that funny shape?
A typical home--a conventional thirty-year-- this is what most people get today and that's--except for subprime.
That's because on the date that I got this term structure everybody knew the Fed was cutting rates and they got it exactly right.
Now, they also have longer maturity, called Treasury strips, but let me move to the other.
Adjustable rate mortgages have a long term -they might last for thirty years -but the interest rate is not fixed for the whole thirty years.
So, you can see the term structure doesn't go up between overnight and three months.
They also have government-issued notes and that's from one to ten years and bonds this is just jargon- these are ten or more, well actually more than ten.
Remember, this thing only runs for sixty days and you could compute your sixty-day return, but people like to compare annual returns-- once again, a tradition we have.
It's one of the questions of economics -what determines the term structure?
The maturity of a mortgage is the date when it's paid off.
We've identified the prices and yields of bonds of various maturities.
So you--it doesn't--this theory doesn't say a whole lot about what the term structure will look like but it suggests that it's determined by the interplay of lots of economic factors.
He said that we shouldn't think that the-- the simplest story of the term structure of interest rates, which he expounded there, is that forward rates equal expected future interest rates.
If we have--right now, well, this isn't complete.