So some people believe that Christians, precisely because they wanted to proof text a lot, they wanted to run around through a lot of different texts, they actually invented the codex.
So I help check people in the class, answer their membership questions, sell memberships, all of that, and
So if you want to check that out after dinner time or so, you can fill that out.
And you check the frequency and then inferences are made about your overall intake from that.
So that is this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Check the website under "problem sets" for its location.
Well, it turns out that if you want to check two conditions and you only care that one of them is true or the other one is true.
Check the website under "sections" for the times and locations.
So feel free to check that out if you have interest.
Scratch The syntax actually looks reminiscent to Scratch, where you have a puzzle piece reminiscent of this shape, but you have to say "if" followed by a space, followed by in parenthesis, the Boolean expression that you want to check -- more on those in a moment.