• That can happen but that's abnormal, but changes in maybe the chemistry of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together.


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  • It's easy to know what nucleotide to put in each position as you're going along and polymerizing a new molecule.


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  • What's hanging off of the side of this long molecule that's formed by polymerizing nucleotides are - is this base unit.


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  • So you made somehow an anti-sense polynucleotide to the insulin gene or some fraction of the insulin gene.


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  • That's due to the asymmetry of the nucleotide, that there's a 5' and a 3' end and the way that they're linked together.


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  • The phosphate group of one nucleotide gets linked to the sugar group of another nucleotide and I'm going to show you that in a few minutes.


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  • You know that these molecules are also linked in another way, by the phosphate bonds that connect the 3 and the 5 carbons of adjacent nucleotides.


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  • I would attach the phosphate that's connected to the 5' carbon of another nucleotide.


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  • In nucleotide the phosphate is always attached to the 5' carbon.


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  • The digestive system, of course, is responsible for bringing in sort of fresh nutrients, fresh substrates for cellular metabolism, fresh quantities of amino acids, and nucleotides, and the things that we can't generate internally.


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  • The nucleotide has a directionality, there's an up and a down to it and it's going to turn out the chain that's formed by polymerizing these has a directionality as well and that's important in defining the structure.


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  • The reason that 3' is important is that when you polymerize two nucleotides together and a third nucleotide, and a fourth nucleotide, when you polymerize nucleotides together they get polymerized, the phosphate of one gets linked to the 3' carbon of another.


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  • You can just say it's RNA or DNA and you know everything about the pentose in every molecule on the chain.


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  • If I wanted to link another nucleotide to this DNA chain what would I attach here on the bottom?


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  • You take advantage of that, you put it in a test tube, together with nucleotides and primers and your DNA.


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  • So the repeating unit in DNA is this structure here, a nucleotide, which has three different regions.


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  • When these nucleotides get polymerized to form a long DNA molecule they all get polymerized in exactly the same way, the chemistry is the same.


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  • Now, in your book, there's an example of plasmid where I've given you the exact sequence of nucleotides that makes up the whole double stranded DNA molecule.


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  • You do that together with primers and with nucleotides, because if you're going to synthesize DNA you need the raw material of DNA, you need the individual nucleotides.


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  • If I told you that 'draw me a nucleotide from RNA that has ', you could go back to this picture and you could draw the whole thing.


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  • Nucleic acids, of which DNA is an example, are polymers of nucleotides.


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  • You can say a polymer of DNA, for example, is four bases long, that means it has four of these repeat units and they go in the sequence from 5' to 3' of .


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  • Some of them are changes in the - not the sequence of DNA, not the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA but the chemistry of DNA around that the way that it's packed into a nucleus.


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