On the rickety bridge you're swaying in the breeze hundreds of feet above the water, the bridge seems unstable.
I mean, just on the other side of the bridge, yeah, the Camden Lock Lounge, Camden Lock Tavern.
This is a picture of London Bridge, it's an interesting bridge which is important in the history of London.
He would fall over the bridge onto the track right in the way of the trolley car.
I want to go on the bridge " where I have to risk my life to get to class."
And,you want your bridge, well,let's see how the elections go next time.
But where I went to college, it's just over the bridge in the suburbs about 30 minutes.
Well, historically... well, I guess before they built it, they always had to go around.
In Crane, in his great poem The Bridge- and here's another photo by Evans, this time of Crane on the rooftop of the apartment building in Brooklyn, 110 Columbia Heights where he lived and where he began the poem, with the bridge in the background.
so they've got the Millennium Bridge in it, and you see lots of landmarks.
was go to the bridge and walk across the other side and then walk back.
But like, seeing like, you know, stupid gang things written on bridges, it's like,
you might need math to know how to make a bridge
Well, I'm based here. We're near the Millennium Bridge,
Does it mean that we're back to utilitarianism and using people and aggregating preferences and pushing the fat man off the bridge?
One of the interesting things about London Bridge is that it's now no longer in London, it's in Arizona, you can see a palm tree here.
You played the game; I don't know if there's a videogame now, if people play games like this where London Bridge is Falling Down.
.. That's true, but he was on the tracks and... This guy was on the bridge.
Well, the men, male students, who cross the rickety bridge, they wrote these sexy stories with interesting content, with kind of little bit ribald themes.
You would like a bridge across your river,wouldn't you?"
It will wash away and so you got to pick the right materials in order to build a bridge.
Contrast his images of joyous or demonic assent with the images of catastrophe, of descent, of collapse in Eliot, "London Bridge is falling down."
And there is a bridge at the University of British Columbia that crosses a river that runs through campus and the rickety-- There's actually two bridges.
And that was the case in our village because there wasn't a bridge across the river, and there was a little boat would take people across this awesome, swirling,dangerous river.
Remember when we were talking about pushing the fat man off the bridge, someone said, "But he didn't agree to sacrifice himself.
So you build it with a material like silver and gold, and then you encounter the problems of society that your bridge might get stolen because somebody thinks they have a better use for silver and gold than your bridge.
And here is another, another image by Evans of the bridge.
When they reconstructed London Bridge they moved the old London Bridge to Arizona; some guy bought it.
New thresholds, new anatomies", ; well, that's not such a hard concept; that's an image of what the modern promises for Crane, and indeed those Gothic arches of the bridge seem to emblematize for him.
Another pairing, this wonderful landscape by Martin Johnson Heade, and we could contrast it with these images of Brooklyn Bridge by Walker Evans, or even underneath the bridge.