I composed pastiches: : "Fraulein von Kulp may turn her hand upon the door. I will not follow her.
and it was a really marvelous show, the improvisation, you know, their covers of other people's bands as well.
And he's parodying both kinds of response in this novel, so in that sense, the novel is very much of its time.
Your instructor tells you when you write your exam, "Don't just parrot the words of the authors you're studying.
They have a substantial reality within the fictional context, the mimetic context, of this epic. These are angels.
Why don't we give Philip both the matching pair and give you each a pair of socks since he didn't get to wear this one, they are brand new, in fact, and a big round of applause for what I'm sure is a little difficult.
Now there's another kind of counterpoint called "Free counterpoint" where it's highly independent lines are sounding but they're not imitating one another.
As God is to humanity, humans in imitation of God are towards their domesticated animals."
Socrates understands that those who want to reform others must reform themselves, but many who've tried to imitate him have been less careful.
You may have to adapt it to a particular environment, but basically it is copying other ideas.
And people who study this often claim to be studying neural network modeling to try to build smart machines by modeling them after brains.
So, that's one small way in the language that they practiced tried to imitate the experience that they were immersing themselves in.
There is a detail here of course that Zooey, in making a second attempt to converse with Franny about this, impersonates his brother, Buddy, on the phone.
We cannot say writing came into being belatedly with respect to speech in order to reproduce, imitate, or transcribe speech.
So this is imitative counterpoint because there's one idea that keeps coming back and back and back.
So, the parody is of something very close to home. And this poem that I've given you will come back on page 134. You don't have to turn to that now, but you should think about that return.
Once an invention is seen to work it is rapidly copied around the world.
It engages the ancient art of pastoral poetry initiated and made famous by the great Greek poet Theocritus, which was later imitated by Moscus and then finally by the Roman poet Virgil in his celebrated pastoral eclogues.
Some people in less-developed countries feel uncomfortable that they are just slavishly copying other, more advanced countries; but, they have to recognize that is what everybody has been doing all along.
Now, these--the nature of these responses, this preferring faces, this sort of mimicry, is a matter of debate, and there's a lot of research going on asking how smart are babies.
The U.S. Federal Reserve System was really a copy of the Bank of England thinking that, well, the Bank of England managed to prevent bank runs for all these years, let's create the Fed, which we'll talk about again later.
You wonder, you know, maybe they're over imitating; maybe we were just lucky or maybe it was because the U.S. was the first, in some ways, to develop some of these financial institutions-- or one of the first.
A prudent man," he writes, "should always enter upon the paths beaten by great men and imitate those who have been most excellent, so that if his own virtue does not reach that far, " it at least is in the odor of it."
The performance of family conversation is like acting, and that is why Zooey impersonates Buddy; he's acting.
So Klawans argues that the process of sacrifice, which grants the offerer complete control over life and death, is a kind of imitatio dei.
There's naturally a lot of pressure on Milton to make this part of the simile beautiful and striking because he's echoing not just one epic poet, but essentially he's echoing just about every epic poet.
Other systems: the gestures that mimes use, semaphores, are all semiotic systems.
It is clearly modeled on Odysseus' descent to Hades in the Odyssey.
If they're all in isolation they would all be doing different things.
So listen to a good example of non-imitative texture, polyphonic texture.