And the fourth thing to notice is, I've used abstraction. I've said nothing about how I'm going to make square root.
I first tested it on the square root of 4 and in one iteration it found 2.
This was using something called a bisection method, which is related to something called binary search, which we'll see lots more of later, to find square roots.
Well I'm relying on the contract, if you like, that the manufacturer of square root put together, which is, if I know I'm giving it two floats, which I do because I make sure they're floats, the contract, if you like, of square root says I'll give you back a float.
All right. I tried it on 2, I surely didn't expect a precise and exact answer to that but I got something, and if you square this, you'll find the answer kept pretty darn close to 2.
I'm given an integer that's a perfect square, and I want to write a little piece of code that's going to find the square root of it. All right so I'm cheating a little, I know it's a perfect square, somebody's given it to me, we'll come back in a second to generalizing it, so what would the steps be that I'd use to walk through it?
In some sense, strictly speaking they shouldn't be necessary because the fact that my specification starts with an assumption, says, hey you, who might call square root make sure that the things you call me with obey the assumption.
Let's call x the thing I'm trying to find the square root of. Let's start at 1. Square it.
So we've looked at how to solve square root we've, looked at two problems, I've tried to instill in you this sense of paranoia which is so valuable, and now we're going to pull back Python and return to something much simpler than numbers, and that's Python. All right?
I'm using it as an abstraction, saying I'm going to have square root from somewhere, maybe I'll build it myself, maybe somebody gives it to me a s part of a library, so I'm burying the details inside of it.
I wanted to show you that, so, first thing I'm going to do is say, all right, I know I'm going to need square root in here, so I'm going to, in fact, import math.
All right. So we have that square root NR.